“The Archaeology Collective specialises in cost-effective, end to end project management ensuring quality and consistency.”
Founded by Peter Mitchell, based in a Dunedin office, we routinely work in Southland, Otago, Canterbury, West Coast, Nelson/Tasman, and have worked throughout New Zealand.
Since completing my Masters Degree in archaeology at the University of Otago in 2012 I have worked full time as an archaeologist. Originally employed as a sub contractor for OPUS in Napier, I moved to Underground Overground Archaeology in Christchurch, where I worked mainly as a buildings archaeologist, recording buildings prior to demolition, monitoring demolition and foundation removal and writing reports. I also worked extensively on the SCIRT horizontal infrastructure rebuild and repairs, and on various rebuild projects around the city and surrounds, and excavations sites of importance to local iwi.
In 2017 I moved to Dunedin where I was employed by New Zealand Heritage Properties, and in January 2018 was granted section 45 by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga. On leaving NZHP I established The Archaeology Collective to pursue sub-contracting and consultancy work.
My speciality is buildings archaeology and I also have a strong interest in the archaeology of working people, especially those involved in the establishment of infrastructure.